10 simple ways to be a happy, minimalist family

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the daily chaos of family life, it’s time to consider a minimalist approach.

As a Dane living in a minimalist family with my husband and two boys, I know first-hand how minimalism can help reduce stress and give us more time and freedom.

Because that’s what minimalism is about – making room for what’s truly important.

In this post, I’ll share 10 simple ways to help you cut through the clutter and streamline your family’s routine.

By focusing on the essentials, you’ll find more space, time, and energy for the people and activities you love most.

Let’s dive in.

10 ways to become a minimalist family

Here’s how you can apply minimalist principles to create a more structured and stress-free environment for your family.

1. Declutter as a family

Gather your family for a decluttering session. Together, sift through your belongings and chat about what items you all actually use and love.

This isn’t just about tidying up; it’s about making your home a space that reflects what’s important to you.

Plus, it’s a chance to connect and make decisions as a team, which can help everyone get on board with a more minimalist lifestyle.

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minimalist family

2. Simplify your wardrobes

Dive into your closet and keep only the pieces that you love and wear regularly.

By choosing versatile items that go well together, you’ll simplify your morning routine, cut down on laundry, and reduce the need for constant shopping.

This approach isn’t just practical—it gives you a sense of ease and confidence in your daily life.

minimalist family

3. Master meal planning

Embrace meal planning to streamline your eating habits.

By setting aside time each week to map out your meals, you’ll shop more efficiently and cut down on impulse buys.

Stick to your grocery list to minimize waste and save money. This habit also eases the daily “what’s for dinner?” question, making mealtimes smoother and more enjoyable.

minimalist family

4. Set effective routines

Craft effective routines for your mornings and evenings to bring structure to your day.

Start by listing your tasks and prioritizing them, ensuring you’re not overextending yourself.

This strategy helps you focus on what’s essential, leading to less stress and leaving space for relaxation and self-care.

A well-set routine is the secret to a calmer, more productive day.

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5. Limit screen time

Setting up routines for you and your family’s screen time can be a game-changer.

Cut down on screen time by setting specific hours for everyone to unplug at home. At our house, the kids have 30 minutes of iPad time per day, and we’re not on our phones while they’re awake.

Use the time to play a board game, explore the backyard, or simply chat about your day. It’s a chance to connect without distractions and make room for more face-to-face laughs and real-world adventures.

6. Organize key essentials

Organize your daily essentials to save yourself the frustration of searching when you’re already rushing out the door.

Find a home for your keys, wallet, and phone—maybe a set of hooks by the door or a special tray on the counter.

When everything has its place, you’ll breeze through your morning routine with time to spare. It’s the little changes that can make your day start on a calm note.

Read next: 7 decluttering motivation tips that actually work

7. Embrace simplicity in cleaning

Intentional living means keeping an uncluttered home with easy-to-maintain cleanliness.

Lean into simplicity when it comes to keeping your home tidy.

An uncluttered space naturally takes less time to clean, so focus on that first. Then, streamline your cleaning arsenal to a few versatile products, and share the workload by divvying up chores among the family.

This way, cleaning becomes a more manageable, less daunting task, freeing up your time and energy for the things you enjoy.

minimalist family

8. Spend quality time together

Make family time a non-negotiable part of your routine to deepen connections and build a trove of happy memories.

Plan simple, engaging activities that everyone can look forward to—like a weekly game night or a walk in the park.

These moments, free from the pull of screens and outside distractions, are the ones that truly count, knitting your family closer together with each shared laugh and story.

9. Practice gratitude

Incorporate gratitude into your family’s routine to nurture contentment and appreciation for the present.

Take time to chat about what each of you is thankful for—maybe during dinner or as part of a bedtime ritual.

This practice helps shift the focus away from wanting more and towards cherishing the simple joys in life, fostering a sense of fulfillment and happiness within your family.

10. Prep for tomorrow tonight

Ease into your mornings by getting a head start the night before.

Lay out your clothes, pack lunches, and set up your essentials for the next day. This habit can transform your mornings from frantic to controlled, allowing you to begin your day on a calm and positive note.

It’s a simple change that can significantly reduce the rush and stress we often face when starting our day.

FAQ – Minimalist family

Can you be a minimalist with a family?

Yes, you can be a minimalist with a family.

It involves simplifying your living space, reducing clutter, and focusing on experiences over possessions, which can benefit all family members by creating a more organized and peaceful home environment.

How do you live minimally with kids?

Living minimally with kids involves setting a good example, decluttering together, simplifying possessions, and focusing on quality time and experiences over accumulating things.

It’s about teaching them the value of less but meaningful belongings and the importance of a clutter-free space.

How do you live simply with a family?

Living simply with a family can involve strategies such as decluttering your home together, practicing gratitude, establishing routines, meal planning, and prioritizing quality time.

The goal is to focus on what’s important, reduce excess, and create a harmonious environment that supports a more intentional lifestyle.

What is a minimalist home?

A minimalist home emphasizes simplicity, functionality, and a clutter-free environment.

It’s characterized by a “less is more” approach, with only the essentials that serve a purpose or bring joy.

The decor is often streamlined, with a neutral color palette and clean lines, promoting a sense of calm and order.

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