70 beautiful Icelandic girl names and meanings (2024)

Are you looking for a special name for your baby girl? How about taking a little inspiration from the land of fire and ice? 

Icelandic girl names are unique and meaningful, with a touch of that Nordic charm.

I’m here to help you understand their meanings and pronunciations, making the process a little easier.

Let’s find a name that resonates with you and will be a gift to your daughter as she grows.

Read next: 229 cute Scandinavian baby names

About Icelandic girl names

Icelandic girl names often have Old Norse origins, sharing roots with other Scandinavian countries.

They’re distinct, though, with unique pronunciations and meanings.

Names like Sólveig or Þórdís are inspired by nature or Norse mythology, a common theme across the region. While similar to Norwegian or Danish names, Icelandic ones often have a special, local twist.

Read next: 70 beautiful Icelandic boy names with meanings

🇮🇸 Popular Icelandic Girl Names

Icelandic names often have rich historical roots and meanings, with a naming committee in place to approve new names. Here’s a look at some popular Icelandic girl names that you might consider.

Icelandic girl name

1. Anna

Anna, a classic name, means “grace” or “favorable”. It’s a name that’s been loved for generations.

  • Pronunciation: AH-nah

2. Emma

Emma is a name that conjures up ideas of strength, coming from the German word “ermen” which means “whole” or “universal”.

  • Pronunciation: EM-ma

3. Sara

Sara is of Hebrew origin, meaning “princess” or “lady”. It’s a name with timeless appeal.

  • Pronunciation: SAH-rah

4. Eva

Eva is a variation of Eve, which means “life” or “living one”. It’s a name with a classic touch.

  • Pronunciation: EH-va

5. Emilia

Emilia has roots in Latin, meaning to “strive” or “excel”. The name has an elegant flair to it.

  • Pronunciation: Eh-MEE-lee-ah

6. Isabella

Isabella, with its lovely sound, is derived from Elizabeth, meaning “pledged to God”.

  • Pronunciation: Iss-a-BELL-a

7. Katrín

Katrín is the Icelandic form of Katherine, meaning “pure”. It’s a name with a noble ring to it.

  • Pronunciation: KAH-trin

8. Kristín

Kristín is a version of Christina, rooted in the Latin for “follower of Christ”.

  • Pronunciation: KRIS-teen

9. Sigríður

Sigríður, unique to Icelandic culture, means “beautiful victory”.

  • Pronunciation: Sig-REE-thur

10. Hekla

Hekla is named after one of Iceland’s famous volcanoes, and it conveys a sense of fiery spirit.

  • Pronunciation: HEHK-la

11. Elísabet

Elísabet is the Icelandic version of Elizabeth, implying “God is my oath”.

  • Pronunciation: Eh-LIS-a-bet

12. Lilja

Lilja means “lily” and carries connotations of purity and beauty.

  • Pronunciation: LIL-ya

13. Freyja

Freyja is a name from Norse mythology, symbolizing love, fertility, and battle.

  • Pronunciation: FRAY-ya

14. Guðrún

Guðrún translates to “God’s secret lore,” steeped in Norse mythology.

  • Pronunciation: GUTH-roon

15. Margrét

Margrét is an Icelandic form of Margaret, meaning “pearl”.

  • Pronunciation: MAR-gret

🇮🇸 Viking Icelandic Girl Names

These names hark back to the Viking age, encapsulating not just the unique heritage of Iceland but also the tales of Norse mythology and the strength exemplified by Viking women.

Icelandic girl names

16. Astrid

Astrid is rooted in Old Norse, meaning ‘beautiful, loved’ or ‘divine strength.’

  • Pronunciation: AH-streed

17. Brynhildur

This name means ‘armored warrior woman’ and has its origins in the legend of a Valkyrie from Norse mythology.

  • Pronunciation: brin-HIL-dur

18. Freydís

A powerful name, Freydís derives from the Norse goddess of love, beauty, and fertility, Freyja, meaning ‘goddess’ or ‘noblewoman.’

  • Pronunciation: FRAY-dees

19. Gunnhildur

In Norse, this name blends ‘gunnr’ (war) and ‘hildr’ (battle), signifying ‘warrior’ or ‘battle-maiden.’

  • Pronunciation: GUN-hil-dur

20. Helga

The name signifies ‘holy’ or ‘blessed,’ reflecting a common theme in Norse names pointing to sanctity and reverence.

  • Pronunciation: HEL-ga

21. Ingrid

Stemming from Old Norse, meaning ‘beautiful’ or ‘beloved,’ it is connected to the Norse god Ing.

  • Pronunciation: ING-rid

22. Jóhanna

Jóhanna is the Icelandic variant of Johanna, often linked to ‘grace’ and ‘honor.’

  • Pronunciation: yo-HAN-na

23. Ragnhildur

Ragnhildur is a combination of ‘advice’ or ‘decision’ and ‘battle,’ symbolizing strategic strength in warfare.

  • Pronunciation: RAG-nihl-dur

24. Sigrid

With Old Norse roots, Sigrid amalgamates ‘victory’ and ‘beautiful’ to form a name signifying ‘beautiful victor.’

  • Pronunciation: SIG-rid

25. Þóra

Rooted in the god of thunder, Thor, Þóra means ‘Thunder’s warrior’ or ‘goddess of thunder.’

  • Pronunciation: THOR-a

26. Valdís

An Icelandic name that combines ‘the dead’ and ‘goddess,’ commonly associated with the female spirits of the slain, the Valkyries.

  • Pronunciation: VAL-dees

27. Vigdís

This is a name that means ‘war goddess,’ embodying the Viking spirit of valor and battle.

  • Pronunciation: VIG-dees

28. Ylfa

Ylfa translates to ‘she-wolf,’ a potent symbol of both family and ferocity in Norse and Viking imagery.

  • Pronunciation: IL-fa

29. Æsa

Æsa, stemming from the Æsir, the pantheon of Norse gods, means ‘goddess.’

  • Pronunciation: AY-sa

30. Þorbjörg

This name merges the god Thor with ‘protection’ or ‘help,’ often denoting divine safeguarding.

  • Pronunciation: THOR-byorg

🇮🇸 Unique Icelandic girl names

In this section, you’ll find a selection of Icelandic girl names that stand out because of their origins and meanings. Each name has its own unique story and pronunciation.

Icelandic girl names

31. Birna

Birna is derived from the Old Norse word for “bear”. It symbolizes strength and bravery.

  • Pronunciation: BEER-na

32. Dagný

Dagný comes from the Old Norse elements “dagr”, meaning day, and “ný”, meaning new. The name implies the start of a new day or new beginnings.

  • Pronunciation: DAG-nee

33. Eldur

Eldur is an Icelandic name that means “fire”. It captures the essence of passion and vibrancy.

  • Pronunciation: EL-dur

34. Fjóla

Fjóla, which is a variant of the name Viola, translates to “violet” in Icelandic, referring to the delicate purple flower.

  • Pronunciation: FYOH-la

35. Haf

Haf means “ocean” in Icelandic, reflecting the vast and profound Icelandic waters.

  • Pronunciation: Hav

36. Jörð

Jörð is the Icelandic name for “earth” and is also the name of the Norse goddess of the earth.

  • Pronunciation: YEURTH

37. Lára

Lára is a derivative of the name Laura, which is believed to mean “laurel” or “bay tree”.

  • Pronunciation: LAU-ra

38. Mýra

In Icelandic, Mýra means “marsh” or “moor”. It connects to the Icelandic landscapes.

  • Pronunciation: MEER-a

39. Njörður

Naming your daughter Njörður ties her to the Norse god associated with sea, wind, and fishing. It is unusual as a feminine name.

  • Pronunciation: NYEUR-thur

40. Rán

Rán is a name from Nordic mythology, the sea goddess who captures sailors. It means “robbery” or “theft”.

  • Pronunciation: RAUN

41. Særún

Særún is a compound of “sær” meaning sea and “rún” meaning mystery. It has a poetic feel without being overly flowery.

  • Pronunciation: SIGH-run

42. Tindra

Tindra means “to twinkle or sparkle”, just like stars. It’s for a child you think will light up the room.

  • Pronunciation: TIN-dra

43. Úlfa

Úlfa is the feminine form of “úlfur”, which means “wolf”. It suggests a connection with nature and a strong spirit.

  • Pronunciation: OOL-fa

44. Vatn

Vatn directly translates to “water” in Icelandic, mirroring the purity and essential nature of water.

  • Pronunciation: VAHT-n

45. Ylur

Ylur means “warmth” in Icelandic and invokes a sense of coziness and comfort.

  • Pronunciation: IH-lur

46. Þula

Þula denotes someone who recites verses; it’s tied to storytelling and history in Iceland.

  • Pronunciation: THOO-la

47. Ösp

Ösp translates to “aspen” in Icelandic, referencing the resilient and elegant tree.

  • Pronunciation: OH-sp

48. Bára

Bára is another word for “wave” in Icelandic, showcasing a love for the sea.

  • Pronunciation: BAU-ra

49. Hekla

Named after Iceland’s famous volcano, Hekla embodies fiery energy and a dynamic spirit.

  • Pronunciation: HEK-la

50. Selja

Selja means “willow” in Icelandic, evoking the image of the graceful, bending willow tree.

  • Pronunciation: SEL-ya

🇮🇸 Rare Icelandic names

51. Sólveig

This Scandinavian name means “sun road” or “daughter of the sun,” derived from the Old Norse elements “sól,” meaning “sun,” and “veig,” meaning “road.”

Pronunciation: SOOL-vay

52. Þórdís

A Norse name combining the name of the god Thor with “dís,” meaning “goddess,” which can be interpreted as “Thor’s goddess.”

Pronunciation: THOR-dees

53. Hulda

Of Scandinavian and Hebrew origin, Hulda means “sweet, lovable” in Scandinavian, and in Hebrew, it means “weasel” or “mole”.

Pronunciation: HUL-dah

54. Ljósfari

A unique Icelandic name likely derived from Old Norse, combining “ljós,” meaning “light,” and “fari,” meaning “one who travels”.

Pronunciation: LYOHSS-far-ee

55. Alda

The name Alda is of Old Norse origin, meaning “wave,” derived from the word “alda”.

Pronunciation: AHL-dah

56. Blær

In Icelandic, Blær means “gentle breeze” and is derived from Old Norse.

Pronunciation: BLYAIR

57. Eir

This name comes from Old Norse meaning “mercy” or “protection,” and is also the name of a goddess associated with medical skill in Norse mythology.

Pronunciation: AYR

58. Gróa

A name of Old Norse origin meaning “to grow” or “to bloom,” and is also the name of a seeress in Norse mythology.

Pronunciation: GROH-ah

59. Heiða

Derived from Old Norse, this name means “heathland” or “heather.”

Pronunciation: HAY-tha

60. Íris

The name Íris is the Icelandic form of Iris, which in Greek means “rainbow.”

Pronunciation: EE-ris

61. Jara

This name has roots in several cultures; in Old Norse, it can mean “good year” or “fertile,” and in Sanskrit, it means “age” or “old age.”

Pronunciation: YAH-rah

62. Kára

In Old Norse, Kára is derived from “kar,” meaning “curly” or “curved” and can also refer to a Valkyrie in Norse mythology.

Pronunciation: KAH-rah

63. Líf

An Old Norse name meaning “life,” associated with a figure in Norse mythology who is one of the two humans destined to survive Ragnarök and repopulate the world.

Pronunciation: LEEF

64. Nótt

This name is directly taken from Old Norse, meaning “night,” and is also the name of the personification of night in Norse mythology.

Pronunciation: NOT

65. Ólína

An Icelandic name that combines “ó,” possibly from “auja” meaning “luck,” with “lína,” meaning “line” or “thread.”

Pronunciation: OH-lee-nah

66. Pála

A feminine form of Páll, the Icelandic version of Paul, which means “small” or “humble” in Latin.

Pronunciation: PAH-lah

67. Rúna

Derived from Old Norse, this name means “secret lore,” with “rún” referring to the runes and their associated secret knowledge.

Pronunciation: ROO-nah

68. Unnur

In Old Norse, Unnur means “to wave” or “to billow,” or it can mean “beloved.”

Pronunciation: OON-ur

69. Vaka

An Icelandic name meaning “wakeful” or “vigilant,” or “to stay awake.”

Pronunciation: VAH-kah

70. Ýr

This Old Norse name means “yew,” which is a type of tree, and symbolically can represent resilience and longevity.

Pronunciation: EER

FAQ – Icelandic girl names

What is a common Icelandic girl name?

A common Icelandic girl name is Guðrún. Guðrún means “god’s secret lore,” from the Old Norse elements “guð” meaning “god” and “rún” meaning “secret lore.”

What is the rarest Icelandic girl name?

Hjördis is a rare Icelandic girl name.

Why can’t you be named Harriet in Iceland?

In Iceland, Harriet is not an approved name because it doesn’t conform to Icelandic naming conventions, which require names to fit Icelandic grammar and pronunciation rules.

What are daughters called in Iceland?

In Iceland, daughters often have last names that end in “-dóttir,” which means “daughter” in Icelandic.

This is part of a patronymic or occasionally a matronymic naming system, where the last name is derived from the first name of a parent.

For example, if a father is named Jón, his daughter might be named “Jónsdóttir.”

This practice reflects the Icelandic tradition of using family names that indicate the child’s immediate lineage rather than a family surname.

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