70 beautiful Icelandic boy names with meanings (2024)

Looking for a unique name for your little baby boy? Dive into this list of Icelandic boy names.

I’ve got you covered with the most popular picks, some cool Viking-inspired monikers, and a few rare gems.

Let’s take a look.

Read next: 229 cute Scandinavian baby names

About Icelandic boy names

Icelandic boy names come from a rich Norse tradition, similar to other Scandinavian countries but with a unique Icelandic twist.

They can be a bit challenging to pronounce if you’re not familiar, but don’t worry—once you get the hang of it, they’re as natural as saying “hello.”

These names are full of meaning, inspired by everything from the natural world to legendary Viking warriors.

Read next: 70 beautiful Icelandic girl names and meanings

🇮🇸 Popular Icelandic boy names

In Iceland, names carry significant historical and cultural weight. Here are some of the most common and treasured male names you’ll find in Iceland.

Icelandic boy names

1. Jón

Jón is a classic name rooted in the Icelandic tradition. It’s a variant of the biblical John and means “Yahweh has been gracious.”

  • Pronunciation: YOHN

2. Sigurður

Sigurður is a strong name tied to Old Norse mythology. It means “victory guard” and is a common pick for boys in Iceland.

  • Pronunciation: SIG-ur-thur

3. Guðmundur

This name comes straight from Norse heritage, with “Guð” meaning God and “mund” referring to protection. Guðmundur is synonymous with divine care.

  • Pronunciation: GUTH-mun-dur

4. Magnús

Magnús is a popular name derived from the Latin “magnus,” which translates to “great” or “mighty.” It has been a favored name for Nordic kings.

  • Pronunciation: MAHG-noos

5. Ólafur

Ancestral ties are strong in Ólafur, meaning “ancestor’s descendant.” It’s a respectful nod to family heritage.

  • Pronunciation: OH-la-fur

6. Einar

Einar is an Icelandic staple, originating from Old Norse elements meaning “alone” and “warrior.” It epitomizes a strong, independent spirit.

  • Pronunciation: EYE-nar

7. Björn

Embrace the might of Scandinavia with Björn, which means “bear.” It’s a name that conjures images of strength and wilderness.

  • Pronunciation: byurn

8. Arnar

Meaning “eagle,” Arnar reflects a high-soaring spirit and is a tribute to the wild Icelandic landscapes.

  • Pronunciation: AR-nar

9. Kristján

An Icelandic variation of Christian, Kristján signifies “a Christian” or “follower of Christ,” stressing religious tradition.

  • Pronunciation: KRIS-tyahn

10. Hákon

Hákon carries historical weight, with origins meaning “high son.” It suggests noble intent and respect for lineage.

  • Pronunciation: HOW-kon

11. Aron

A variant of Aaron, Aron holds its roots in Hebrew. In Iceland, it’s often linked with “mountaineer,” appealing to those with a love for nature.

  • Pronunciation: AH-ron

12. Stefán

Stefán is the Icelandic equivalent of Stephen, meaning “crown” or “wreath.” It’s timeless and crosses cultural boundaries effortlessly.

  • Pronunciation: STEH-fahn

13. Þorsteinn

A robust name, Þorsteinn merges Thor, the Norse god of thunder, with “steinn,” meaning stone. It symbolizes both power and stability.

  • Pronunciation: THORS-teinn

14. Ísak

Veering from classical routes, Ísak is the Icelandic form of Isaac, meaning “he will laugh.” It carries a lighter, more joyful connotation.

  • Pronunciation: EE-sak

15. Sveinn

The name Sveinn, of Old Norse origin, translates to “boy” or “young man.” It’s a straightforward name with historical foundations.

  • Pronunciation: SVAYN

🇮🇸 Viking Icelandic Boy Names

Icelandic names often have roots in the Viking Age, reflecting the rich history and legends of Scandinavia.

Many of these names are still used today in Iceland, honoring ancestral heritage and Norse mythology.

Icelandic boy names

16. Leifur

Leifur is a name that comes from the Norse tradition, meaning “descendant” or “heir.” It’s pronounced LAY-vur. You might recognize this name from Leif Erikson, the famous Norse explorer.

17. Ragnar

This name means “warrior” or “judgment.” Ragnar is known from Norse sagas and pronounced RAHG-nahr. Ragnar Lothbrok is a legendary Viking figure, often mentioned in Viking tales.

18. Thorfinnur

Thorfinnur is a composite of “Thor,” the god of thunder, and “finnr,” meaning “Sámi” or “Finn.” It’s pronounced THOR-fin-nur. Thorfinnur was a common name for Norse warriors.

19. Bjarni

Bjarni translates to “bear” and is pronounced BYAR-nee. It’s associated with strength and was a popular name among Vikings for its connotations of might and bravery.

20. Ivar

The name Ivar means “bow soldier,” stemming from the Old Norse “ýr,” meaning yew, and “arr,” meaning warrior. Pronounce it EE-var. Ivar the Boneless was a formidable Viking leader.

21. Sigurd

A name that signifies “victory” and “guardian,” pronounced SEE-gurth. Sigurd is linked to the Volsunga saga and was a name borne by heroes and kings.

22. Hrolf

Hrolf comes from the Old Norse for “famous wolf,” pronounced HROLF. It reflects an ancestral linkage to the animal symbolizing strength and leadership.

23. Arvid

Arvid means “eagle tree” and has a pronunciation of AR-vid. It’s a unique name that combines the majesty of the eagle with the steadfastness of a tree, symbolizing a perceptive warrior.

24. Eirikur

Eirikur, pronounced AY-reek-ur, is related to the Old Norse name Eiríkr, meaning “eternal ruler.” This was the name of many Norse kings and warriors.

25. Gorm

The name Gorm means “he who worships god” or “respectful,” pronounced GOR-m. Gorm the Old was the first historically recognized king of Denmark.

26. Knut

Knut is a name with German origins, meaning “knot” or “tie,” and is pronounced K-noot. It was worn by Danish kings who ruled over parts of Scandinavia and England during the Viking era.

27. Olaf

Olaf is derived from the Old Norse name Áleifr, translating to “ancestor’s descendant,” and is pronounced OH-lahf. It was the name of Saint Olaf, a Norse king who became the patron saint of Norway.

28. Rurik

Pronounced ROO-rik, this name means “famous ruler.” Rurik was a semi-legendary Viking chieftain and the founder of the Rurik dynasty in Russia.

29. Snorri

Snorri, which has the pronunciation SNOR-ee, means “turbulent” or “snarling.” Snorri Sturluson was a renowned Icelandic historian and saga writer.

30. Harald

Meaning “war chief” or “army ruler,” Harald is pronounced HAR-ald. Harald Fairhair is recognized as the first King of Norway, reputed for uniting parts of the country.

31. Ymir

Ymir is a unique name coming from Norse mythology, meaning “the screamer.” It’s pronounced Y-meer. In mythology, Ymir was a primordial giant and the ancestor of all jötnar (giants).

32. Fjalar

The name means “hider” or “deceiver,” pronounced FYAH-lahr. Fjalar is a dwarf’s name in Norse mythology known from the Poetic Edda.

33. Baldur

Spelled as Baldur or Balder, meaning “lord” or “prince,” it’s pronounced BAL-dur. Baldur is a god in Norse mythology known for his beauty and fairness, associated with sunlight and purity.

34. Týr

The god of law and heroic glory in Norse mythology, Týr is pronounced TEER. He’s often depicted as a one-handed god associated with law and heroic glory, symbolizing courage.

35. Loki

A name that points to a complex figure in Norse mythology, pronounced LOH-kee. Loki is known as a trickster god who is involved in various tales of deception and cunning.

🇮🇸 Rare Icelandic Boy Names

Below, you’ll find some less common Icelandic male names, each carrying its unique story and meaning, perfect for those looking for distinctive names deeply rooted in Icelandic culture and nature.

Icelandic boy names

36. Bragi

Bragi is a name steeped in Nordic mythology, representing the god of poetry and music.

  • Pronunciation: /ˈbrɑː.jɪ/

37. Geir

Geir is a traditional name meaning “spear” in Old Norse.

  • Pronunciation: /ˈceɪr/

38. Jónas

Jónas is the Icelandic form of “Jonah,” meaning “dove” and is often associated with peace.

  • Pronunciation: /ˈjou.nas/

39. Jökull

Jökull, meaning “glacier”, reflects Iceland’s rugged glacial landscapes. This name is also monitored by the Icelandic Naming Committee for coherence with language standards.

  • Pronunciation: /ˈjeu̯.kʏtl̥/

40. Hjörtur

Hjörtur signifies “hart” or “stag,” resonating with the themes of nature common in Icelandic names.

  • Pronunciation: /ˈçœr̥.tʏr/

41. Lárus

Lárus is an Icelandic name meaning “laurel”. It is a variant of “Laurus,” which signifies honor and victory.

  • Pronunciation: /ˈlau̯.rʏs/

42. Máni

Máni is unique to Icelandic culture, meaning “moon” and has a celestial connection being the name of the moon god in Norse mythology.

  • Pronunciation: /ˈmauː.nɪ/

43. Njáll

The name Njáll, rooted in Old Norse, may have a connection to the name Neil and suggests “champion” or “cloud”.

  • Pronunciation: /ˈnjauːtl̥/

44. Orri

Orri is a distinctive choice, possibly originating from the Old Norse word for “eagle”.

  • Pronunciation: /ˈɔrːɪ/

45. Páll

Páll is the Icelandic version of Paul, meaning “small” or “humble”.

  • Pronunciation: /pʰaːul/

46. Qvintus

Qvintus is a Latin origin name meaning “fifth”, rarely used but approved for use in Iceland.

  • Pronunciation: /ˈkʰvɪn̥.tʏs/

47. Rögnvaldur

Rögnvaldur carries a weighty Norse heritage, meaning “judgment ruler” or “powerful advisor”.

  • Pronunciation: /ˈrœɣn̥.val.dʏr/

48. Sölvi

Sölvi is an Old Norse name that could mean “solitary” or “house of strength”.

  • Pronunciation: /ˈsœl.vɪ/

49. Úlfur

Úlfur has connotations of fierceness, derived from the Old Norse word for “wolf”.

  • Pronunciation: /ˈuːlvʏr/

50. Víðir

Víðir is an Icelandic name related to “viður”, meaning “wood” or “forest”, and connects to the awe-inspiring nature of Iceland.

  • Pronunciation: /ˈviː.ðɪr/

51. Þjóðann

Þjóðann is a less common name meaning “people” or “nation,” celebrating a sense of community.

  • Pronunciation: /ˈθjouːðan/

🇮🇸 Unique Icelandic boy names with meanings

52. Birkir

Birkir is derived from the Icelandic word for ‘birch tree’, symbolizing growth and resilience.

Pronunciation: BEER-kir

53. Drifa

Drifa means ‘snowdrift’ in Icelandic, evoking the country’s snowy landscapes.

Pronunciation: DREE-va

54. Eldur

Eldur is the Icelandic word for ‘fire’, representing warmth and energy.

Pronunciation: EL-dur

55. Frosti

Frosti is a name that conjures images of frost, reflecting the cool and crisp nature of Iceland.

Pronunciation: FROS-tee

56. Haf

Haf means ‘ocean’ in Icelandic, capturing the vast and deep character of the sea.

Pronunciation: HAHV

57. Ingólfur

Ingólfur is a traditional Icelandic name meaning ‘Ingólf’s descendant’, a nod to the Norse god Ing and the first Norse settler in Iceland.

Pronunciation: ING-ol-vur

58. Keldan

Keldan means ‘the spring’ or ‘source of water’, often associated with purity and life.

Pronunciation: KEL-dahn

59. Logi

Logi is an old Norse name meaning ‘flame’, and is also the name of a fire giant in Norse mythology.

Pronunciation: LOH-gee

60. Oddur

Oddur is derived from the Old Norse word ‘oddr’, meaning ‘point of a weapon’, often associated with sharpness and bravery.

Pronunciation: ODH-ur

61. Rán

Rán is an ancient name from Norse mythology, representing the sea goddess who captures sailors.

Pronunciation: RAUN

62. Selur

Selur translates to ‘seal’ in Icelandic, a nod to the common marine animal in Icelandic waters.

Pronunciation: SEL-ur

63. Tjörvi

Tjörvi is an Icelandic name possibly derived from the Old Norse word ‘þjórr’, meaning ‘thunder’.

Pronunciation: TYUR-vee

64. Valur

Valur means ‘falcon’ in Icelandic, a bird known for its keen sight and swiftness, symbolizing freedom and vision.

Pronunciation: VAH-lur

65. Þröstur

Þröstur is the Icelandic word for ‘thrush’, a type of bird, and is often associated with nature and song.

Pronunciation: THROH-stur

66. Gunnar

Gunnar comes from the Old Norse name Gunnarr, which means ‘warrior’ or ‘battle strong’, embodying strength and valor.

Pronunciation: GUN-nar

67. Hilmar

Hilmar is a name of Old Norse origin meaning ‘famous’ or ‘notable’, suggesting a person of distinction and renown.

Pronunciation: HIL-mar

68. Jarl

Jarl is an Old Norse term for a noble or chieftain, indicating leadership and authority.

Pronunciation: YARL

69. Kári

Kári is an Old Norse name meaning ‘curly-haired’ or ‘stormy’, and in Norse mythology, Kári is a god of the north wind.

Pronunciation: KOW-ree

70. Víðarr

A god known for his strength and silence, especially revered for his role in avenging his father’s death at Ragnarök. His name is associated with the vastness of the forest and the resilience and strength inherent in silence and endurance.

  • Pronunciation: VEE-thar

FAQ – Icelandic boy names

What is a popular Icelandic male name?

A popular Icelandic male name is Jón.

What is a male Viking name?

A male Viking’s name is Leif, as in the famous explorer Leif Erikson.

What is a common Icelandic baby name?

A common Icelandic baby name is Emil.

What Icelandic names mean ocean?

In Icelandic, the name Haf means “ocean” and Sævar means “sea warrior,” both of which are connected to the ocean.

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