60 beautiful Faroese boy names and meanings

Let’s talk about Faroese boy names.

If you’re looking for a baby name that’s different and has some history, Faroese boy names might be what you’re after.

Names like “Rúni” and “Pætur” are from the Faroe Islands and they pack a punch with Viking roots and connections to nature.

Pronouncing them can seem tough at first—”Rúni” is said like “ROO-nee” and “Pætur” like “PIE-tur.”

My post is here to help you figure out how to say these names and understand what they mean, so your name search is a bit easier.

Let’s find a unique name for your baby.

Read next: 229 cute Scandinavian baby names

About Faroese boy names

Faroese boy names are often inspired by nature or Viking history.

They’re different from other Scandinavian names, with a focus on local traditions.

“Sjúrður” is pronounced “SHYUR-thur,” showing the unique Faroese sounds. Learning to say these names right is a nod to the Faroe Islands’ culture.

Read next: 60 beautiful Faroese girl names and meanings

Faroese boy names

🇫🇴 Popular Faroese boy names

Here’s a dive into some popular Faroese boy names you might find intriguing.

1. Jógvan

Jógvan is the Faroese version of John, meaning “God is gracious.” It has a long heritage in Faroese culture.

  • Pronunciation: yo-kvan

2. Høgni

The name Høgni originates from the Old Norse Hǫgni, a name borne by a legendary hero. It holds cultural significance in the Faroe Islands.

  • Pronunciation: hoeg-nee

3. Rúni

Rúni comes from the Old Norse meaning “secret lore.” It reflects the Faroe Islands’ rich tradition of storytelling.

  • Pronunciation: roo-nee

4. Sámuel

Sámuel is the Faroese form of Samuel, which means “asked of God” or “heard by God” – a name with biblical origins.

  • Pronunciation: sah-mwel

5. Óli

Óli is a diminutive of Ólavur, the Faroese form of Olaf, meaning “ancestor’s descendant.”

  • Pronunciation: oh-lee

6. Pætur

Pætur is the Faroese variant of Peter, stemming from the Greek word for “rock” or “stone.” It’s a solid and traditional choice in Faroese male names.

  • Pronunciation: payh-tur

7. Andrias

Andrias is the Faroese adaptation of Andreas, which in turn is the Greek version of Andrew, meaning “manly” or “brave.”

  • Pronunciation: ahn-dree-ahs

8. Magnus

Magnus is a name of Latin origin meaning “great.” It has been borne by kings and remains popular in the Faroe Islands.

  • Pronunciation: mahg-nus

9. Tórur

Tórur is a Faroese male name that might be derived from Thor, the Norse god of thunder. It’s infused with mythical strength.

  • Pronunciation: tho-ruhr

10. Karl

Karl is a common name throughout Scandinavia, also found in the Faroe Islands, meaning “free man.”

  • Pronunciation: kahrl

🇫🇴 Viking Faroese boy names

The Faroe Islands have a rich history influenced by Nordic culture. This heritage is reflected in traditional Faroese given names. Many of these names are derived from Old Norse and are still used today, carrying with them a sense of strength and connection to the past.

Faroese boy names

11. Leifur

Leifur is a name rooted in Old Norse, meaning ‘descendant’ or ‘heir.’ You pronounce it as LAY-fur.

12. Thorfinn

This name combines the name of the god Thor with ‘finnr,’ meaning ‘Sámi’ or ‘Finn’. Say it like THOR-finn.

13. Arnar

Arnar is derived from Old Norse elements meaning ‘eagle.’ When saying the name, it sounds like AR-nar.

14. Bjarni

Bearing the meaning of ‘bear,’ Bjarni is a name that resonates with the power of nature. Pronounce it BYAR-nee.

15. Sigurd

Sigurd comes from the Old Norse elements ‘sigr,’ victory, and ‘vardr,’ guardian. You’ll pronounce it as SEE-gurd.

16. Ragnar

The name Ragnar is composed of ‘regin,’ meaning ‘advice’ or ‘decision,’ and ‘arr,’ meaning ‘warrior.’ It rolls off the tongue as RAG-nar.

17. Ivar

Rooted in the Old Norse elements for ‘yew’ and ‘warrior,’ Ivar has connotations of both strength and flexibility. Pronounce this as EE-var.

18. Håkon

Håkon is a traditional Nordic name meaning ‘high son.’ Its correct pronunciation is HAW-kon.

19. Gudmund

Meaning ‘god’s protection,’ Gudmund weights divine providence. You say it GOOD-mund.

20. Erik

A name with royal connotations, Erik means ‘eternal ruler.’ It’s typically pronounced as AIR-ik.

21. Draupnir

Draupnir is a name taken straight from Norse mythology, signifying a powerful ring owned by Odin. It’s said this ring could multiply itself.

  • Pronunciation: Drawp-neer

22. Fenrir

Fenrir is another mythological name, referring to a monstrous wolf. It’s a name that embodies strength and might.

  • Pronunciation: Fen-rear

23. Ginnarr

Ginnarr comes from the old Norse and could be linked to words signifying illusion or magic. It’s unique and carries an air of mystery.

  • Pronunciation: Gin-nahr

24. Heimdallur

Derived from the name of the Norse god tasked with guarding the Bifrost, Heimdallur symbolizes vigilance.

  • Pronunciation: Hame-dah-lur

25. Loki

Loki, a name famous internationally, stems from the Norse god known for his trickery and shapeshifting abilities.

  • Pronunciation: Low-key

26. Mimir

In Norse legend, Mimir was renowned for his knowledge and wisdom, a name for those who may seek a scholarly path.

  • Pronunciation: Mee-mir

27. Njörður

This unique name is derived from the Norse god of the sea, Njörður, and reflects a connection to seafaring and the power of the ocean.

  • Pronunciation: Nyor-thur

28. Odin

Odin, the Allfather in Norse mythology, is associated with wisdom, healing, and royalty, making it a name of significant stature.

  • Pronunciation: Oh-din

29. Skjöldur

Originating from the word for shield, Skjöldur is perfect if you’re looking for a name that conveys protection and defense.

  • Pronunciation: Shyol-dur

30. Tyr

Named after the Norse god of war, Tyr is a one-syllable powerhouse. It’s packed with courage and valor.

🇫🇴 Rare Faroese boy names

Here are some of the rarer boy names you might come across, all of which are rich in Faroese culture.

31. Tróndur

Tróndur is a traditional name linked to Norse mythology, meaning “to grow” and “thrive.”

  • Pronunciation: trawn-dur

32. Sjúrður

Sjúrður carries the meaning “victory” and has its origins in the Norse name Sigurður.

  • Pronunciation: shyur-thur

33. Brestir

The name Brestir is derived from Old Norse and is a unique Faroese name not commonly found elsewhere.

  • Pronunciation: breh-stir

34. Giljagaur

Giljagaur is an unconventional Faroese name that stands out for its distinctiveness.

  • Pronunciation: gil-ya-gow-r

35. Finnur

Finnur is a name with roots in Old Norse, associated with “Finn,” which can mean “Sámi” or “person from Finland.”

  • Pronunciation: fin-nur

36. Kjartan

Kjartan comes from Old Norse and is a combination of “kjarr,” meaning “brushwood,” and “Steinn,” meaning “stone.”

  • Pronunciation: kyart-an

37. Ljótur

The name Ljótur is an older Faroese name that isn’t as prevalent in the modern day, with ties to Old Norse language.

  • Pronunciation: lyo-tur

38. Ormur

Ormur is a rare name in the Faroe Islands, translating to “dragon” or “serpent” in Old Norse.

  • Pronunciation: or-mur

39. Páll

Páll is the Faroese form of Paul, which means “small” or “humble” and is among the list of approved Faroese male names.

  • Pronunciation: pahl

40. Rani

While Rani might sound modern, it’s an old Norse name. It also shares pronunciation with the Faroese word for “robbery,” though their meanings are unrelated.

  • Pronunciation: rah-nee

🇫🇴 Faroese boy names with unique meanings

Faroese boy names often carry significant meanings tied to the island’s nature and mythology. They reflect a rich Nordic heritage and are deeply rooted in the culture.

Faroese boy names

41. Víðir

Víðir is a name that means ‘forest’ or ‘wood’. In Norse mythology, Víðarr is a god associated with vengeance.

  • Pronunciation: VEETH-ir

42. Trøllaskógur

Trøllaskógur comes from the Faroese for ‘troll forest’, highlighting the folklore-rich heritage of the islands.

  • Pronunciation: TROHL-la-skoh-gur

43. Vatn

The name Vatn means ‘water’ in Faroese, signifying the importance of this element in island life.

  • Pronunciation: VAT-n

44. Bjartur

Bjartur is derived from the Old Norse word for ‘bright’ or ‘clear’, reflecting the purity of the Faroese landscape.

  • Pronunciation: BYAR-tur

45. Eldur

Eldur translates directly to ‘fire’, symbolizing warmth and energy.

  • Pronunciation: EL-dur

46. Frosti

Frosti is a common Nordic name, meaning ‘frost’, showing a connection to the cold climate of the Faroe Islands.

  • Pronunciation: FROS-ti

47. Havi

Havi, meaning ‘ocean’ in Faroese, denotes the surrounding sea that defines the archipelago.

  • Pronunciation: HA-vee

48. Logi

Logi is a name that connects to ‘fire’ or ‘flame’, which is also a character in Norse mythology representing fire.

  • Pronunciation: LOH-gi

49. Steinar

Steinar means ‘stone’ or ‘rock’, reminding you of the rugged Faroese terrain.

  • Pronunciation: STY-nar

50. Úlfr

Úlfr, meaning ‘wolf’, has connotations of strength and wilderness. It’s a classic in Nordic names.

  • Pronunciation: OOL-fr

51. Høgna

Høgna is a Faroese variant of the Norse name Hǫgni, which is potentially linked to the word “hugr” meaning “heart”, “mind”, or “courage”.

  • Pronunciation: HOEG-na

52. Regn

The name Regn stands for ‘rain’, a natural element frequently met in Faroese weather.

  • Pronunciation: RAYN

53. Stormur

Stormur gives you thoughts of the ‘storm’, apt for a place known for its dramatic weather.

  • Pronunciation: STOR-mur

54. Ægir

Ægir is a Norse name referring to the jötunn associated with the sea, it’s pivotal in Faroese culture.

  • Pronunciation: AY-gir

55. Ásbjørn

Ásbjørn translates to ‘bear of the gods’, combining ‘Ás’ (god) and ‘bjørn’ (bear).

  • Pronunciation: AWS-byurn

56. Baldur

Baldur is taken directly from Norse mythology, meaning ‘brave’ or ‘bold’, also known as the god of beauty.

  • Pronunciation: BAL-dur

57. Freyr

Another name from the Norse pantheon, Freyr means ‘lord’ and is associated with kingship, sunlight, and fertility.

  • Pronunciation: FRAYR

58. Óðinn

The name Óðinn is derived from Odin, the all-father of Norse gods, implying wisdom and power.

  • Pronunciation: O-thin

59. Thor

Thor, echoing the Norse god of thunder, signifies strength and protection.

  • Pronunciation: THOR

60. Váli

Váli is a name from Norse legend. It means ‘chosen one’, another figure associated with vengeance and justice.

  • Pronunciation: VAH-li

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