35 powerful affirmations for marriage (2024)

Are you looking for positive affirmations for marriage? Here are my 35 favorite sentences.
How do you feel right now? Do you feel good? Do you feel sad?
If you feel bad in any way – bitter, resentful, guilty, fearful, or irritated, these feelings and thoughts don’t create good experiences for you. So, those are feelings you really want to release, which you can with affirmations.
When you do affirmations, you consciously choose words that will help eliminate something in your life and create something new and positive in the future.
Think of it this way: every thought counts, so don’t waste them on negative thinking. These positive affirmations for marriage are a great way to help you challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. When you repeat them often and believe in them, you CAN make positive changes in your life.
Table of Contents
What are affirmations?
Basically, an affirmation is a positive sentence that you repeat to yourself to build up confidence and self-belief. It’s very easy. All you have to do is pick a sentence or statement and repeat it to yourself.
You may want to use affirmations for marriage to boost your self-esteem, to encourage positive changes in your life, or to motivate yourself.
Daily affirmations can be helpful if you find yourself having negative thoughts often and don’t know how to combat them. Choosing one or several sentences and repeating them to yourself daily, can make changes in the way you feel and think.
You can repeat them as often as you like. If you need some ideas for how to practice them, I’ve written some below.
Read next: 70 positive affirmations for birth
How to do your affirmations for marriage
There are no rules about frequency or timing when it comes to doing affirmations. In my experience, however, you should repeat them daily, three to five times.
Replacing negative thoughts with affirmations can get you an optimistic mindset. But – there’s a little more to it than just repeating a positive sentence to yourself a few times daily.
Sometimes, people will say their affirmations in the morning and then complain the rest of the day. And that doesn’t really work. Saying affirmations is only part of the process. What you say, think, and feel the rest of the day is even more important.
Here’s how to get the best outcome:
- First, take a deep breath and relax your mind
- Say your affirmations in the morning in front of the mirror
- Repeat when you’re in bed at night
- Only use the present tense. For instance, start with: “I am” or “I have” instead of “I will have” or “I’m going to”, where your thoughts are in the future.
35 positive affirmations for marriage
I only attract healthy, loving relationships.
I am with the love of my life, and I’m happy.
I am thankful for my husband and everything he does for our family.
My happy thoughts help create my happy marriage.
My husband is a wonderful man and father.
I am so grateful for being loved and to grow old with my husband.
Happiness is the natural state of my marriage. It is in perfect health.
I deserve love, romance, and joy—and all the good that life has to offer me.
I am safe in my relationship, and I give and receive lots of love.
I am willing to let go.
I admire and respect my husband.
My marriage is full of passion.
I forgive my husband for not being perfect.
I seek to understand before being understood.
I communicate openly with my husband and resolve conflicts with respect.
My marriage gets more fabulous every day.
I attract love and happiness.
My relationship is open and honest.
My love for my husband grows stronger every day.
There will be trying times but we work through them together.
I choose to see the good in my husband and forget the petty.
Our marriage is a wonderful example for our kids to follow.
Today, I focus on what I can do for my husband, not what he can do for me.
I welcome love into my life.
My soulmate and I go on frequent dates to reconnect.
I love my husband just as he is. I do not try to change him.
I choose my marriage every single day.
I am committed to making this work. Together we can overcome anything.
We are strong as a couple, but also as individuals.
We embrace our differences.
My relationship is fulfilling and meaningful.
My marriage is resilient.
I have a wonderful lover and all is well.
I choose peace over the need to be right.
I am at home in my marriage.
FAQ – Affirmations for marriage
How do you write a manifestation for marriage?
To write a manifestation for marriage, start by clearly defining your intention for a partner or the kind of marriage you desire.
Visualize the relationship and life you want as if it’s already happening.
Write it down in the present tense, using positive affirmations, and embody the feelings associated with your desired outcome. Align your actions with your goal to reinforce your intent.
For instance, you might write down a marriage manifestation prayer or set of affirmations to focus your intentions.
What is affirmation in marriage?
Affirmation in marriage is the act of expressing support, love, and appreciation for one’s partner, often through positive words and acknowledgments that contribute to a stronger and healthier relationship.
What are the present-tense marriage affirmations?
Present-tense marriage affirmations are positive statements that express the qualities and values of a marriage as if they are already true.
They are used to foster a positive mindset and reinforce the strength and love in the relationship.
Examples include “I am deeply loved by my partner,” “We communicate with understanding and respect,” or “Our marriage is growing stronger every day”.
How do I verbally affirm my wife?
To verbally affirm your wife, offer her genuine and specific compliments, express your love and appreciation regularly, and acknowledge her contributions and strengths in your relationship.
For example, tell her “You are beautiful,” “I appreciate all that you do,” or “You make me a better person”.
I needed this months ago.
I want to save my marriage
I hope you’ll find a way back together, Starr <3
Thanks so much. I needed this so much . For I want my soulmate back because I have tried to move on but the thought of my twinflame is coming back making me feel as if I am cheating on him. So coming to your page I believe I am back with my soulmate. I believe and this time is legally forever.. Thanks
You’re welcome. I hope it can help you find peace.